Jesus Calling October 30:My desire is that My sheep hear My voice continually,for I am the ever-present Shepherd.

Jesus Calling October 30:

My desire is that My "sheep" hear My voice continually, for I am the ever-present Shepherd.

I AM WITH YOU. I am with you. I am with you. Heaven's bells continually peal with that promise of My Presence.
Some people never hear those bells because their mind are earthbound and their hearts are closed to Me.
Others hear the bells only once or twice in their lifetimes, in rare moments of seeking Me above all else.
My desire is that My "sheep" hear My voice continually, for I am the ever-present Shepherd.

Quietness is the classroom where you learn to hear My voice.
Beginners need a quiet place in order to still their minds.
As you advance in this discipline, you gradually learn to carry the stillness with you wherever you go.
when you step back into the mainstream of life, strain to hear those glorious bells: I am with you. I am with you. I am with you.



你們要呼求我,禱告我,我就應允你們。你們尋求我,若專心尋求我,就必尋見。(耶利米書 29:12-13)
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart,(JEREMIAH 29:12-13)

我是好牧人;我認識我的羊,我的羊也認識我,我的羊聽我的聲音,我也認識他們,他們也跟著我。我又賜給他們永生;他們永不滅亡,誰也不能從我手裡把他們奪去。(約翰福音 10:14; 27-28)
I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me,My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me;and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand.(JOHN 10:14; 27-28)


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