目前分類:Jesus Calling November (30)

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Jesus Calling November 30:Problems are part of life. They are inescapable woven into the very fabric of this fallen world.

Jesus Calling November 30:

Problems are part of life. They are inescapable: woven into the very fabric of this fallen world.

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Jesus Calling November 29: You have discovered flowers of Peace blossoming in the most desolate places.

Jesus Calling November 29:

Through the aridity of those desert marches, I have drawn you closer and closer to Myself. You have discovered flowers of Peace blossoming in the most desolate places.

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Jesus Calling November 28:Bring Me the sacrifice of gratitude, and watch to see how much I bless you.

Jesus Calling November 28:

Bring Me the sacrifice of gratitude, and watch to see how much I bless you.

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Jesus Calling November 27:As you thank Me for blessings in your life, a marvelous thing happens.

Jesus Calling November 27:

As you thank Me for blessings in your life, a marvelous thing happens.

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Jesus Calling November 26:A constant focus on adversity defeats many Christians.

Jesus Calling November 26:

A constant focus on adversity defeats many Christians.

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Jesus Calling November 25:When your mind is occupied with thanking Me, you have no time for worrying or complaining.

Jesus Calling November 25:

When your mind is occupied with thanking Me, you have no time for worrying or complaining.

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Jesus Calling November 24:Thankfulness takes the sting out of adversity.

Jesus Calling November 24:

Thankfulness takes the sting out of adversity.

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Jesus Calling November 23:Remember that nothing in heaven or on earth can separate you from that Love.

Jesus Calling November 23:

請記得無論在天上或是在地上沒有任何事物能叫我們與 神的愛隔絕。
Remember that nothing in heaven or on earth can separate you from that Love.

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Jesus Calling November 22:Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula; it is the language of Love, which enables you to communicate intimately with Me.

Jesus Calling November 22:

Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula; it is the language of Love, which enables you to communicate intimately with Me.

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Jesus Calling November 21:As you thank Me for My presence and peace, you appropriate My richest gifts.

Jesus Calling November 21:

As you thank Me for My presence and peace, you appropriate My richest gifts.

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Jesus Calling November 20:Shift your focus from your performance to My radiant Presence.

Jesus Calling November 20:

Shift your focus from your performance to My radiant Presence.

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Jesus Calling November 19:keep your focus on the path just before you, leaving outcomes up to Me.

Jesus Calling November 19:

keep your focus on the path just before you, leaving outcomes up to Me.

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Jesus Calling November 18:Instead of trying to figure things out yourself, you can relax in the Presence of the One who knows everything.

Jesus Calling November 18:

Instead of trying to figure things out yourself, you can relax in the Presence of the One who knows everything.

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Jesus Calling November 17:Be content to be a simple sheep, listening for My voice and following Me.

Jesus Calling November 17:

Be content to be a simple sheep, listening for My voice and following Me.

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Jesus Calling November 16:You recall My promise to guide you with My counsel, and you begin to relax.

Jesus Calling November 16:

You recall My promise to guide you with My counsel, and you begin to relax.

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Jesus Calling November 15:When your mind moves toward a problem area, you tend to focus on that situation so intensely that you lose sight of Me.

Jesus Calling November 15:

When your mind moves toward a problem area, you tend to focus on that situation so intensely that you lose sight of Me.

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Jesus Calling November 14:Try to depend on the help of the Spirit as you go through this day of life.

Jesus Calling November 14:

Try to depend on the help of the Spirit as you go through this day of life.

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Jesus Calling November 13:I, the God of hope, fill you with all Joy and Peace as you trust in Me, so that you may bubble over with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Calling November 13:

I, the God of hope, fill you with all Joy and Peace as you trust in Me, so that you may bubble over with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Jesus Calling November 12:When you receive My abundant blessings with a grateful heart, I rejoice.

Jesus Calling November 12:

When you receive My abundant blessings with a grateful heart, I rejoice.

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Jesus Calling November 11:As your day, so shall your strength be.

Jesus Calling November 11:

As your day, so shall your strength be.

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