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2013-01-02 |
Jesus Calling December 31:This is still your deepest need, and I, your Prince of Peace, long to pour Myself into your neediness.
(14) |
2013-01-02 |
Jesus Calling December 30:In fact, the more completely you devote yourself to Me, the more freely you can love people.
(21) |
2013-01-02 |
Jesus Calling December 29:What I can accomplish in and through you is proportional to how much you depend on Me.
(10) |
2012-12-28 |
Jesus Calling December 28:As you grow closer to Me, I open your eyes to see more and more of My Presence all around you.
(30) |
2012-12-27 |
Jesus Calling December 27:How much better it is to walk close to Me, depending on My strength and trusting Me in every situation.
(24) |
2012-12-27 |
Jesus Calling December 26:When you are dissatisfied with your behavior, you tend to feel unworthy of My Love.
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2012-12-27 |
Jesus Calling December 25:Open yourself fully to My Presence; be awed by My glorious Being.
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2012-12-26 |
Jesus Calling December 24:You hear Me in the depths of your being, where I have taken up residence.
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2012-12-26 |
Jesus Calling December 23:Rejoice in all that I have done for you, and My Light will shine through you into the world.
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2012-12-26 |
Jesus Calling December 22:Look for a star of guidance in your own life, and be willing to follow wherever I lead.
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2012-12-26 |
Jesus Calling December 21:Miracles are not always visible to the naked eye, but those who live by faith can see them clearly.
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2012-12-20 |
Jesus Calling December 20:All of this was necessary to provide the relationship with Me that you now enjoy.
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2012-12-19 |
Jesus Calling December 19:Remember that your ultimate goal is living close to Me, being responsive to My initiatives.
(28) |
2012-12-18 |
Jesus Calling December 18:The learning possibilities are limited only by your willingness to be teachable.
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2012-12-17 |
Jesus Calling December 17:Come to Me with your gaping emptiness, knowing that in Me you are complete.
(49) |
2012-12-16 |
Jesus Calling December 16:I speak in the language of Love; My words fill you with Life and Peace, Joy and hope.
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2012-12-15 |
Jesus Calling December 15:My desire is that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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2012-12-14 |
Jesus Calling December 14:Begin each day along with Me, so that you can experience the reality of My Presence.
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2012-12-13 |
Jesus Calling December 13:The word holy does not mean goody-goody; it means set apart for sacred use.
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2012-12-12 |
Jesus Calling December 12:Every detail of your life is under My control.
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2012-12-11 |
Jesus Calling December 11:If You want to work with Me, you have to accept My time frame.
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2012-12-10 |
Jesus Calling December 10:In the darkness of adversity, you are able to see more clearly the radiance of My Face.
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2012-12-09 |
Jesus Calling December 9:In order to follow Me wholeheartedly, you must relinquish your tendency to play it safe.
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2012-12-08 |
Jesus Calling December 8:Come to Me in all your neediness, with defenses down and with desire to be blessed.
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2012-12-07 |
Jesus Calling December 7:I am with you in all that you do, even in the most menial task.
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2012-12-06 |
Jesus Calling December 6:Stay ever so close to Me, and you will not deviate from the path I have prepared for you.
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2012-12-05 |
Jesus Calling December 5:I am training you to stay conscious of Me in each situation you encounter.
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2012-12-04 |
Jesus Calling December 4:Through you sacrifice of precious time, I bless you far more than you dare to ask.
(21) |
2012-12-03 |
Jesus Calling December 3:When you find yourself in the thick of battle, call upon My Name: "Jesus, help me!"
(42) |
2012-12-02 |
Jesus Calling December 2:You need My Peace each moment to accomplish My purposes in your life.
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2012-12-01 |
Jesus Calling December 1:The ultimate protection against sinking during life's storms is devoting time to develop your friendship with Me.
(13) |